Jeannette has been working with glass for 20 years, fascinated by the endless possibilities that glass offers as a material, giving it a life of its own. I make varied glass work , both stained glass and kiln formed pieces, from purely decorative objects and jewellery, to functional pieces used in doors and windows. There are also indoor and outdoor pieces. I have a special kiln that allows me to make glass rods, that are then used in different ways to make very distinctive pieces. . Glass is surprisingly versatile , the vibrancy of the colours and how they look in different light. I really enjoy the technicality of making each piece too, the intricacy of putting everything together. I am passionate about passing my knowledge on, and enjoy seeing people achieve more than they thought they could. I’ve made some great friends through my classes too. I feel very fortunate to do what I do.
Listing Details
Directions: Off the A346 to Ogbourne St. George, turn into the High St, pass in front of the Parkland Hotel, second turning on the right (Liddiard Green) then right into the drive opposite
the Village Hall and the red phone box.
The Clay & Glass Studio, Grey Gables, Ogbourne St. George, SN8 1SL
01672 841464 / 07977 053363